Ethics and regulations






« We empower sustainable digitalization » is a part of our core values. Thanks to our expertise in digital solutions, we are committed to help our customers achieve their sustainable development and Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) objectives. Axelle Mazé, Sustainability VP, CENIT group.


>> See the KEONYS CSR Chart

The United Nations Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs)



We support the UN Global Compact’s call for companies to align strategies and operations with universal principles on human rights, labor, environment, and anti-corruption, and take actions that advance societal goals.

Link to the 10 principles


On the other hand, the CENIT Group is committed to implement several of the sustainable development goals set by the United Nations. 

By doubling the CENIT AG commitment to employee training, aiming for an average of three times the industry norm by 2030, we directly support the UN’s objective of ensuring inclusive and equitable quality education for all. This initiative fosters a culture of continuous learning and development among our workforce.


We maintain a minimum of 5% apprentices, dual students, interns, and student trainees in our group. This commitment not only provides quality education to the younger generation but also prepares them for future challenges, thereby driving sustainable economic development.

At KEONYS, we are deeply committed to fostering an environment of diversity and gender equality. We recognize the vital role that a diverse workforce plays in driving innovation and growth.


To achieve this goal, we are working to increase the representation of women in management positions within our organisation. We see this not just as an ethical imperative but as a strategic advantage that enhances our competitiveness and contributes to our overall success.


>> Discover our gender equality index

CENIT is steadfast in its dedication to creating employment opportunities that offer fair and fulfilling work conditions. Through prudent financial stewardship, we are poised to achieve sustained growth, which, in turn, bolsters the economic vitality of the communities we serve.


Our commitment to decent work is the cornerstone of our corporate ethics, ensuring that we not only grow as a business but also contribute positively to the broader economic landscape.

The digital solutions we deploy for our customers are the technological foundation for stimulating innovation and development across various sectors from manufacturing to insurance or financial sector. By providing cutting-edge Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) systems, shop-floor solutions or Documents logistics solutions, we empower these industries to embrace progress and efficiency.


As an example, our digital solutions, such as virtual twins, enable the simulation and optimization of products and processes before physical implementation, drastically reducing waste and energy consumption.


>> Read our customer testimonials

CENIT is not only committed to reducing its environmental footprint but is also dedicated to increasing its positive environmental handprint. Through our innovative digital solutions, we enable industries to significantly lower their resource and energy consumption. The positive impact or ‘footprint’ on the environment is measurable.


We also implement environmentally-friendly practices through the responsible use of equipment. We actively work towards reducing our carbon footprint, by implementing electric vehicles or green electricity wherever it is possible.

The CENIT Group can contribute to creating a more sustainable and equitable future.

Our commitments

CENIT Group is commited to:


  • Carbon footprint reduction: reduce our CO2 emissions (Scope 1+2) by 55% by 2030


  • Carbon neutrality by 2050


  • Renewable electricity: purchase renewable electricity wherever possible by 2030 and invest in energy-efficient technologies.


  • Measuring employee satisfaction: measure employee satisfaction at Group level at least every two years.


  • Implement anti-corruption and anti-competitive behaviour training across the Group and ensure that 90% of all employees receive regular training on this subject by 2025.


Keonys will conduct business with integrity and respect for the interests of others in accordance with the obligations set out in the Code of Conduct. Keonys will ensure that all its subcontractors involved in the supply of Products and/or Services comply with the requirements set out in the Code of Conduct. -> See the Code of Conduct


  • Supplier management: implementation of a group-wide supplier management process by 2025.

Code of conduct

Our Code of Conduct provides a framework of standards that apply to every CENIT Group employee, whatever their position. The Code of Conduct specifies how employees should deal with ethical and legal requirements in running the business and also shapes the way we interact with our business partners, employees, shareholders and the public.


All forms of discrimination are prohibited. In particular, CENIT does not tolerate any form of discrimination or harassment based on origin, gender, disability, religion, age, sexual orientation or political opinion.


All employees must comply with all relevant laws and regulations specific to their work environment, as well as all internal instructions and guidelines. CENIT does not tolerate any form of corruption, bribery, venality or illegal granting of advantages. Any violation by an employee will invariably result in termination of employment and criminal prosecution.


> To find out more, read the full code of conduct


Value chain assessment

CENIT ensures that the company’s workplaces and supply chains offer fair working conditions, free from slavery and human trafficking.

We are explicitly committed to abolish all forms of forced and child labour and expect the same from our business partners and suppliers.


The CENIT Group has introduced a supplier management questionnaire.


>> To find out more, see the document




>> Read CENIT’s 2023 sustainability report


GDPR & Data Protection

In accordance with the regulations in force, KEONYS is committed to respect the EU Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016, known as the General Data Protection Regulation (hereinafter “GDPR”).


KEONYS has therefore defined and implemented processes both internally and in its relations with its customers, partners and suppliers.


For example, KEONYS has nominated a Data Protection Officer (DPO) to organize and monitor compliance with the GDPR.


The Data Protection Officer is in charge for:

  • maintain and update a record of processing activities,
  • ensure that all practices comply with the applicable regulations,
  • promote awareness about data protection regulation and best practices in terms of data processing,
  • ensure the effective exercise of the rights of the data subjects.


When KEONYS collects and processes personal data on its behalf, KEONYS acts as data controller. When these data are entrusted to suppliers, KEONYS defines documented instructions and requirements that are enforceable against its subcontractors.


When KEONYS processes personal data on behalf of its customers or partners, KEONYS acts as a data processor under Data Processing Agreement, in compliance with the GDPR.


KEONYS collects personal data in accordance with the principles of minimisation and accuracy, and provides its employees, customers and suppliers with transparent information on the processing of their data.


Data processing are documented in the records of processing activities of KEONYS.

KEONYS, as a subsidiary of the CENIT group : implements appropriate security measures to protect the personal data, applies group policies on encryption ; access and retention in order to prevent unauthorised access and unnecessary retention of personal data in KEONYS’ information systems.

To find out more