Date of last update: 16/04/2024


If Keonys updates this Privacy Policy, it will be posted on this page in the future. Please check this page frequently for updates to this Privacy Policy.


This privacy policy informs users about the nature and purposes  of data processings carried by Keonys about you in the management of the website.




KEONYS, sole shareholder simplified joint stock companies, registered in the Nanterre Trade and Companies Register under number 504 725 730 and whose main office is located at 24, Quai Gallieni- 92150 Suresnes, France, kindly encourages you to read carefully the present Privacy Policy.


This Privacy Policy describes how KEONYS, as data controller, manages the processing of your Personal Data collected from your interaction with the website accessible at the following address (“”).


Questions, comments and requests regarding this Privacy Policy should be sent to the DPO at the following email address:


The Privacy Policy is subject to change at any time, so please review it regularly.


Any natural person connecting with or using the Website acknowledges having fully read this Privacy Policy at the time of connection.


Capital letters in this Privacy Policy have the meanings given to them at the end of the document.



Access and use of the Website involves the collect and the processing of personal data of the user. The collect of such personal data is, where possible, voluntary and based on the user’s consent.


Your personal data:

  • Is obtained and processed fairly and lawfully;
  • is stored for specific and legitimate purposes; and used in accordance with these purposes;
  • Is adequate, relevant and not excessive in relation to these purposes;
  • Is subject to measures taken by Keonys to ensure the security and confidentiality of the data in order to prevent them from being damaged, modified, destroyed or communicated to unauthorized third parties.



Keonys collects your personal data:


  •  In the context of your navigation on the Website to optimize your navigation by customizing our web pages for the following purposes:
    • To learn more about the use of cookies, please consult the dedicated section below in this privacy policy.


  • As part of the registration form that you complete to allow Keonys to send you commercial communications for direct marketing purposes regarding our new offers and products.
    • You have the possibility to withdraw at any time the reception of these e-mails without retroactive effect.


  • As part of your application for employment with Keonys.


  • To respond to your requests (including request for opposition), registration for the newsletter and webinars, or your events (contact form).
    These data processing are implemented to pursue all the purposes detailed in the table below.



The table below summarizes the Processing of Personal Data implemented by Keonys. This table is completed by the details that appear in the following sections.




Newsletter management, Form & Contact request


Collected data


Civil status, First name, Last name, Professional email address, Position, Professional phone number, Interests, (if applicable: Message body)


Legal basis of the processing



We collect your consent to process this data and refer you to this data privacy statement. The data will be deleted as soon as it is no longer necessary to achieve the purposes for which it was collected.


The user can withdraw his consent to the processing of his personal data at any time. When the user contacts us by e-mail, he/she can refuse the storage of his/her personal data at any time.


Data recipients internal to KEONYS


Keonys Marketing and Communication Department

And Group entities CENIT AG


 The data will not be forwarded to third parties, except to subsidiaries of CENIT AG and their majority shareholders. The data is used exclusively for the purpose of processing the communication in question.


Retention period


Until you withdraw your consent or 3 years from the last contact you received.






Opposition list management


Collected data


Civil status, First name, Last name, Professional email address, Position, Professional phone number, all data relating to the said opposition request


Legal basis of the processing




Data recipients internal to KEONYS


Marketing and Communication Department


 The data will not be forwarded to third parties, except to subsidiaries of CENIT AG and their majority shareholders. The data is used exclusively for the purpose of processing the communication in question.


Retention period


Until you withdraw your consent or 3 years from the last contact you received.






Analysis of data to suggest content and services corresponding to your interests


Collected data


IP address

Use of the website, navigation data


Cookies (date, time and content)

Types of cookies: Google Pixels, Linkedin Pixels, Twitter, Google Analytics, YouTube,Tag Manage.


Cookies related to the website*:

Mandatory cookies : _icl_visitor_lang_js, wpml_browser_redirect_test, tarteaucitron
Additional non-mandatory cookies: fbp, ga, ga_LKGRDCBSGT, at_UA-61717744-1, gid, AnalyticsSync History, UserMatchHistory, bcookie, li_gc, lidc, ln_or,


Data processing rely on :

– Google Analytics, Google Analytics 4 technologies.


Legal basis of the processing


Legitimate interest


Data recipients internal to KEONYS


Marketing and Communication Department



Transfer outside the EEA


Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager: The data collected by the cookies regarding the use of the site by users is normally transmitted to a Google server in the United States and stored there.

Regarding the Twitter network: It is offered and operated by Twitter Inc, One Cumberland Place, Fenian Street, Dublin 2, D02 AX07, Ireland.


Regarding the YouTube network: This is carried and operated by YouTube LLC, 901 Cherry Ave, San Bruno, CA 94066, USA.


The location of the site data hosting via Linkbynet: AMAZON WEB SERVICES – Ireland No cookies are generated by our host.


Retention period


13 months (for the cookies themselves)

25 months for the data collected via these cookies.





Measure of the audience and the performance of the Website


Collected data


IP address, location, age, gender, interests, browser used, device category, referring URL, length of visit, pages viewed, source


Legal basis of the processing




Data recipients internal to KEONYS


Marketing and Communication Department


Retention period


3 years from last contact or opposition

13 months 

25 months for the data collected via these cookies




Improving the performance of the Website and of the user’s experience


Collected data



Pixel Linkedin, balises,Google Analytics, Google Tag Manager


Legal basis of the processing


Legitimate interest


Data recipients internal to KEONYS


Marketing and Communication Department


Retention period


13 months (for the cookies themselves)

25 months for the data collected via these cookies.





Application management


Collected data


First name, last name, email address, work-related information, resume, cover letter, function


Legal basis of the processing


Legitimate interest


Data recipients internal to KEONYS


Recruiting Department and Management Teams


Retention period


2 years from the end of the recruitment process




Webinar Registration


Collected data


First Name, Last Name, Business Email, Business Phone, Company, Function, IP Address


Legal basis of the processing




Data recipients internal to KEONYS


Marketing and Communication Department


Retention period


Until consent is withdrawn

Otherwise, the twenty-four months following the date of the webinar




Training course


Collected data


First Name, Last Name, Email Address, Business Phone, data relating to the training session


Legal basis of the processing


Legitimate interest


Data recipients internal to KEONYS


Recipients internal to Keonys : Training Department


Other recipients : Dendreo: Data is stored on Dendreo servers, hosted either by OVH or Amazon, in France (production) or in Germany (replication and backup). The security of the servers and the updating of our operating software are constantly monitored.


Retention period


The Personal Data processed will be deleted at the latest three (3) years after the account deletion by the User or after three (3) years of inactivity of the Users’ Account.

For more information:





Support account login


Collected data


First name, Last name, Email address, Business phone, Company, Position


Legal basis of the processing




Data recipients internal to KEONYS


Support Service 

Data is not shared with third parties.


Retention period


Until you withdraw your consent or 3 years from the last contact you received.

Learn more about the Microsoft regulations, visit the U.S. Department of Commerce’s Privacy Shield website





5.1. What are cookies used for and why are they collected?

Cookies are text files containing small quantities of information that are downloaded to your device when you visit a web page or use an application. Cookies are then sent back to the original web page or application on each subsequent visit, or to another web page or application that recognizes that cookie. The data may be used for prospecting purposes.



5.2 Important information about consent

The deposit or installation of specific cookies does not require your prior consent, either because they do not process any Personal Data about you, or because they are strictly necessary for the use of the website.

When the deposit of cookies is required to gather your consent, this consent applies for a maximum period of 13 months.


You can, at any time:

  • oppose to the deposit of the cookies we use, either by deleting them from your devices
  • modify the settings of your browser.


5.3. What cookies do we use

We use different types of cookies, the purposes which are described below.



  • Technical cookies

These cookies are necessary for the Website’s performance and do not require your consent. They allow you to use the main features of the Website. Without these cookies, you will not be able to use our Website properly. These are cookies deposited by KEONYS or by third parties and which ensure the performance and/or security of our website.

Keonys uses cookies to:

  • improve the performance of the Website;
  • improve the user experience;
  • offer content appropriate to your searches


You can refuse and delete them using your browser settings, however your user experience may be affected or impossible for security reasons. These cookies are detailed in the table above.



  • Analytical cookies / website audience measurement


If you give your consent to the installation of these cookies, they will collect the data strictly necessary for the purposes described in the table above.


Keonys uses Google Analytics, a web analytics tool that helps Keonys understand how users act on the Website. Google Analytics uses permanent cookies to track user interactions. This information is used to generate reports and to help Keonys improve the Website. These reports reveal trends on the Website without identifying individual visitors. You can disable Google Analytics without affecting the way you visit the Website.

– for more information on how to deactivate Google Analytics on all websites you use, visit this Google page.


More information about cookies and how to administer them can be found at:


Some data are also collected, Linkedin, Twitter, YouTube, Google Analytics, Google Tag manager, Microsoft Dynamics, WordPress.

The use of these cookies is detailed in the table above.

Through these cookies, these entities will collect and use your navigation data for their own purposes and without the control of Keonys, in accordance with their privacy policy (link below).


List of cookies present on the KEONYS website* :



Cookies required for the effective running of the website





Shelf life

Transfer outside the EEA

_icl_visitor_lang _js

Necessary /Functional

Generated by the WPML plugin which stores the redirected language


24 h



Necessary /Functional

Generated by the tarteaucitron script allowing cookie selection


1 year


wpml_browser_ redirect_test

Necessary /Functional

Generated by the WPML plugin which tests if cookies are enabled


24 h






Advanced cookies





Shelf life


Facebook Audience metrics

This Facebook cookie identifies browsers to provide advertising and site analysis services


3 months


Google tag manager Audience metric

This cookie is used by Google Analytics and stores an anonymous user ID to recognize users. It is included in every page request on a site and used to calculate visitor, session and campaign data for site analytics reports.


13 months


Google tag manager Audience metric

Allows to keep the state of the session


13 months


Google tag manager Audience metric

Used to limit the rate of requests, thus limiting data collection on high traffic sites




Google tag manager Audience metric

Used to store and update a unique value for each page visited.


1 day

AnalyticsSync History

Linkedin Audience Metrics

Used to store data on the moment when a synchronization was performed with the lms_analytics cookie


30 days


Linkedin Audience Metrics

Used for the ID synchronization process. This saves the time of the last synchronization to avoid repeating the synchronization process frequently


30 days


Linkedin Audience Metrics

Browser cookie to identify each device accessing LinkedIn to detect abuse of the platform and for diagnostic purposes


1 year


Linkedin Audience Metrics

Used to store guest users’ consent to use cookies for non-essential purposes


6 months


Linkedin Audience Metrics

To optimize data center selection


24 h


Linkedin Audience Metrics

Used to determine if the Oribi analysis can be performed on a specific domain


1 day


Zoom Info

It’s a first party cookie for maintaining a unique visitor identifier.

1 year



  • Social networks


The cookies that are set via the social network buttons are intended to allow the users of the Website to make it easier to share content and improve the use of the Website (Linkedin : KEONYS, Dassault Systèmes Partner for Industry 4.0 , Twitter : Keonys).

If you agree (consent), these entities will deposit cookies that will allow you to improve the navigation on the Website. The purpose is to provide you with an optimal user experience and content that is relevant to your searches.

Via these cookies, these entities will collect and use your browsing data for their own purposes and without the control of Keonys, in accordance with their privacy policy [Linkedin , Twitter ,Youtube]. .



5.4. How to set your browser, smartphone or software component

Any settings you undertake may affect your experience on the Website as well as your access to some of the services/functions that require the setting of cookies. You can authorize or refuse the recording of cookies in your terminal and modify the settings of your terminal at any time.

If you have accepted the recording of cookies in your browser software, they are stored in a dedicated space on your terminal.


If you do not accept the storage of cookies on your terminal or if you delete the cookies stored on your terminal, you will no longer be able to benefit a few of the functionalities that are necessary for navigation in certain areas of the website. In such context, we decline any responsibility for the consequences related to an eventual degraded functioning of our website.



How to set your browser?

Most browsers allow you to modify the settings for cookies. These settings can be found in the “options” or “preferences” menu of your browser. To better understand these settings, the following links may be helpful, or please use your browser’s “Help” option for more details:


As detailed in the summary table above, access to your personal data is limited to :

  • employees and agents of Keonys or equivalent, duly authorized and committed to an obligation of confidentiality ;
  • subcontractors of Keonys contractually committed to the execution of tasks necessary for the performance of the Website and its services.

As part of the execution of their services, the subcontractors of Keonys respect the provisions of the GDPR.

Keonys will share your Personal Data with judicial authorities, independent administrative authorities or any other organization if required by law.


Most of the Data Recipients of Personal Data are located in France or in a member state of the European Economic Area..

The use of some tools or technologies may result in one or more data transfers according to GDPR. In accordance with the doctrine of the EDPS (European Data Protection Board) and the CNIL (French Data Protection Authority) on data transfers, legal and technical mechanisms are put in place to ensure that your rights are respected, such as contracts based on. Standard Contractual Clauses (SCC) in accordance with the updated version adopted by the European Commission, or adequacy decisions adopted by the European Commission.


Depending on the treatments involved, Keonys retains your Personal Data for the periods described in section 2 of this Privacy Policy.


In accordance with the Data Protection Regulation, you have rights regarding the Data processing carried by Keonys about you.


The table below gives an overview of these rights and how you can exercise them. These rights can be exercised by simple written request, imperatively accompanied by a valid proof of identity including the signature of the holder.


To exercise one of your rights, you can :



–           Either send a letter to the attention of the DPO at the following postal address: 24 Quai Gallieni 92150 Suresnes ;

–          Or send an email to the following address:



Please note that for each of these rights Keonys may have valid legal grounds to refuse your request, in which case Keonys will inform you.


In case of difficulty in relation to the management of your personal data, you have the right, to fill a complaint with the Commission Nationale de l’Informatique et des Libertés (CNIL) by sending a letter to the following address : 3 Place de Fontenoy TSA 80715 75334 PARIS CEDEX 07 or on the authority’s website. .:.


A response will be provided within one month after the receipt of your request; however, this period may be extended to two months in case of complexity of the request and / or too many requests.


Keonys does not charge fees for processing requests for access rights, but reserves the right to charge fees when it concerns requests for additional copies of information that has already been provided to you, and for requests that are manifestly unfounded or excessive, especially when these requests are repetitive.


The user is informed that in case of objection to a processing or if it communicates incorrect or unreliable data, the services related to the collection of data can not be provided, Keonys can not in any way engage its responsibility in this regard.




Right of access


You have the right to know whether Keonys processes Personal Data about you and, if so, to access that Data and some information about how Keonys uses it and with whom Keonys shares it. You may request a copy of this Data


Right to portability


You may request to receive the Personal Data Keonys holds about you in a structured, commonly used and machine-readable format, and the right to request that Keonys transfer such Personal Data to another party

(i) if the Processing is necessary for the performance of the contract or

(ii) if the Processing is based on your consent and where the Processing is carried out using automated processes.


Right of rectification

If you believe that the Personal Information Keonys holds about you is inaccurate or incomplete, you have the right to request its correction or amendment.


Right to erasure of data

You may request that Keonys delete your Personal Data in the following circumstances:


(i) where you believe that it is no longer necessary for Keonys to hold such Personal Data,

(ii) where Keonys processes it on the base of your consent and you wish to withdraw your consent,

(iii) when Keonys processes your data on the base of its legitimate interest and you object to such processing,

(iv) when you no longer wish Keonys to use your data to solicit you commercially or

(v) when you believe that Keonys processes your Personal Data in an unlawful manner.


Right to the restriction of the processing

You may request Keonys to restrict the Processing of your Personal Data


(i) if you contest the exactitude of your Personal Data,

(ii) if the Processing is unlawful and you object to its removal, or

(iii) if you believe that Keonys no longer needs your Personal Data but it is still necessary for the establishment, exercise or defense of legal claims, or

(iv) if you have objected to the Processing of Personal Data that Keonys holds about you.


The right to object

You have the right to object to the Processing of your Personal Data by Keonys and Keonys will consider your request. To this end, please provide Keonys with details to enable Keonys to assess whether there is a legitimate and compelling reason for Keonys to continue such processing or whether Keonys needs to process such data for the exercise or defense of its legal rights.

Right to give post-mortem instructions


You have the right to set guidelines for the retention, deletion and disclosure of your Personal Data after your death.



Appropriate technical and organizational measures consistent with the state of the art, including protection against unauthorized or unlawful processing and against accidental loss, destruction or damage are put in place to ensure the security of data processings.


However, it should be noted that the Internet is not a completely secure environment and Keonys cannot guarantee the security of the transmission or storage of information on the Internet.


Keonys reserves the right to change the Privacy Policy at any time without notice. Changes to the Privacy Policy will be effective when posted on the Web Site.






Web site


Refers to the Keonys showcase website. It introduces the services and products marketed by Keonys.




Keonys is a sole shareholder simplified joint stock companies, established in France and whose registered office is located at 24 Quai Gallieni, 92150 Suresnes. Keonys is the Data Controller for the data processings of personal data as described in this Privacy Policy.




Physical or legal person, public authority, service or any other third party that receives communication of personal data.


Personal data


Any information related to a physical person that allows him/her to be identified, directly or indirectly, in accordance with an identification, such as a name, an identification number, an email address, an online identifier, or one or more specific elements of his/her physical, physiological, genetic, psychological, economic, cultural or social identity.




Purpose followed by Keonys when processing your Personal Data.


Legal Basis of the Processing


Legal basis of the processing in accordance with Articles 6 to 9 of the GDPR.


Data Protection Regulations


Refers to the European Regulation 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation  (hereinafter “GDPR”), and to the French Data Protection Act No. 78-17 of 6 January 1978.


Person in charge of the processing


Refers to the natural or legal person, the public authority, the service or any other body that, alone or jointly with others, determines the purposes and means of the Processing, here Keonys.




Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 April 2016 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (General Data Protection Regulation).




Any operation or set of operations which may or may not be performed upon personal data or sets of personal data, such as collection, recording, organization, structuring, storage, adaptation or alteration, retrieval, consultation, use, disclosure by transmission, dissemination or otherwise making available, alignment or combination, limitation, erasure or destruction.


Transfer outside the EEA


Any transfer of Personal Data from a country within the European Union to a country outside the EEA, i.e. the European Economic Area, i.e. Austria, Belgium, Bulgaria, Croatia, the Republic of Cyprus, the Czech Republic, Denmark, Estonia, Finland, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Ireland, Italy, Latvia, Lithuania, Luxembourg, Malta, the Netherlands, Poland, Portugal, Romania, Slovakia, Slovenia, Spain, Sweden, the United Kingdom, Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway.


User (you)


Means any person who uses the Website.



For more information contact us