Replay webinar


Discover True Load™ to accurately calculate the forces to determine the correct stress levels and fatigue life of your parts.


  • Discover True-Load™ Suite capabilities,
  • Determine the optimal placement of strain gauges,
  • Calculate correlation matrices between the test and FEA model,
  • Calculate equivalent loads from the finite element model,
  • Create quasi-static or dynamic events,
  • Run structural or fatigue analysis.

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When you need to know how many load cycles a part can handle, it is necessary to measure the reaction at the right place of the part during tests and replace it at the right place on the calculation model. To obtain realistic mechanical simulations, several inputs are required. These include having the right geometry, adequate material properties, the right mesh refinement as well as the right loads and boundary conditions.


Dynamic loads are difficult to obtain accurately and are therefore often overestimated. The stresses are then overestimated and the calculated fatigue life reduced. One technique for obtaining the correct loading levels is through testing


True-Load™ and its full-featured software suite (True-LDE™ and True-LSE™) allow you to determine the optimal strain gauge placement for your tests from a finite element model (e.g. Abaqus) in order to calculate the exact loads from test results. These loads can then be fed into the FE model to calculate the dynamic response, or directly into the fatigue code (e.g. FE-SAFE) to calculate the correct stress level and realistic fatigue life.


True-LDE™ is designed to make post-processing of linear dynamic events intuitive and interactive and allows :


  • To quickly calculate dynamic responses from the modal basis calculated by Abaqus and easily post-process the results.
  • To evaluate transient, harmonic or random vibration dynamic responses faster than with Abaqus.


You want to find out more about True Load™ capabilities ? Watch the replay