When planning begins for the construction of a new facility, the host of details can mask the overarching questions about site execution: How do we contain costs? How can we create a schedule and finish early or on time? How can we do away with waste, duplication of effort, and design errors?
A quick overview of these questions tells us that they’re common to utility construction projects. One reason could be poor communication among stakeholders, who may be working with outdated or inaccurate information. Another is the difficulty of delivering materials and workforce resources to the site at the right time—neither early nor late—to sustain productivity. Yet another is the challenge of planning work packages that are still weeks away.
DELMIA’s Optimized Site Execution solution was built to deal with these problems from the ground up. It brings all stakeholders—owner, work force, contractors and suppliers—together in the 3DEXPERIENCE® platform. Working collaboratively in real-time, they can see what they’re creating and focus on early planning that improves workflow, distribution of workload, a clearly defined scope of work, and tasks that are 100 percent executable.
DELMIA Optimized Site Execution lets planners use a variety of techniques to increase inventory accuracy to near 100 percent. They can shrink the time between the arrival of materials and their availability for work. This synchronization drives productivity and dramatically reduces waste. Work planners can use look-ahead schedules to plan processes, just-in-time deliveries, and work-force resources to optimize field work in the weeks ahead.
Users of DELMIA Optimized Site Execution, applying these lean construction techniques, can look ahead confidently to on-quality deliverables at reduced cost—and on significantly shorter schedules.