And if I still hesitate?

It’s behind us when SMEs and ETIs used to say “digital is expensive and I don’t see what it’s for”. Today, a majority of entrepreneurs are aware of the usefulness of modernising their industrial facilities. On the other hand, when it comes to taking action and initiating a transformation project, certain apprehensions surface. “Complicated”, “not the time”, “not the means”, “not the staff”… How to help SMEs – ETI to overcome these obstacles to enable them to develop their factory?

  • I don’t have time? The diagnostic phase is recommended before implementing such a digital transformation project. An outside consultant will help you identify the company functions that would have the most time to complete the first steps
  • I can’t afford it? Today, there are many financial aids for SMEs and ETIs to modernise their industrial tools
  • I have a problem with my collaborators’ adherence: change and people support is one of the pillars to promote digital transformation. A clear vision and a clear roadmap are needed to successfully engage your employees.
  • It’s too complicated: Solution providers have developed specific expertise to simplify the implementation of this transformation as much as possible.