They imagine a better world, they dare to take risks, they surround themselves with appropriate technological partners and design the product of their dreams!
Our customers, Tallano Technologie, Ecocéane, and Akka Technologies, revealed to us the secrets of their success.
“We heard such great stories at that round table! The desire to create and achieve is firmly rooted in the spirit of our French innovators,” enthuses an industrialist from the aeronautic sector at the end of the event, which took place in the Bezier Amphitheatre at Arts et Métiers ParisTech on January 28, 2016.
Innovation and Industry of the Future
It was in the context of the Arts et Métiers ParisTech Specialized Masters Degree IngéNUM ( Management & Product Digital Engineering), co-created with Keonys to train engineers in new digital technologies, that Keonys organized the industry of the future round table on sustainable innovation at ENSAM.
The evening’s testimonials demonstrated that digital technology is essential to manufacturers, allowing them to visualize the products of the future in accordance with good environmental practices.
“Did you know that there are seven carcinogens emitted by braking systems?” asks Christophe Rocca Serra, President and founder of start-up Tallano Technologie, which has developed a suction brake dust collector. According to recent studies, the vast majority of fine particles emitted by vehicles come from its brake pads, which means that the engine’s share of responsibility is reduced in the total calculation of vehicle particle emissions. Tallano Technologie utilized the specialized expertise of the ENSAM research laboratories for the entire simulation aspect of their fluid dynamics.
“We devised a catamaran with a propeller turbine to suck in everything that floats,” says Eric Vial, President of Ecocéane, which develops and markets ocean-going cleanup vessels. Keonys supported its customer in the area of simulation to enable oil to be collected from the sea and passed to an accompanying tanker.
“The Link & Go was conceived and designed to respond to the new societal habits of the connected city,” says Guillaume Bonnefoy, director of operations at Akka Technologies. This good-looking small electric city car represents the first project carried out on the Dassault Systèmes 3DEXPERIENCE platform via the cloud. Keonys supported Akka’s teams in getting to grips with the platform, setting up collaborative spaces in the form of blogs, systems engineering and management of the project within the collaborative platform.
These three success stories highlighted the fact that innovation is the result of a partnership between the innovator, on the research and academic side, and the integrator, with expertise in digital transformation.
The research laboratories at ENSAM, a partner of the Industry of the Future Alliance, play a fundamental role, as they work on a daily basis to support many companies’ industrial projects. They have proven themselves to be real levers of innovation, enabling companies to remain competitive.
“This evening’s discussions have shown us that you started from a concrete problem, resulting from a need, and it is digital technology and its ability to speed up the innovation processes that has allowed you to achieve a product life-cycle based on durability,” remarks Tahar Melliti, General Manager of the Industry of the Future Alliance.
“I appreciated this event which highlighted the practical achievements of SMEs, the obvious connections between the digital world and the world of industry but also the close relationship that our companies must have with the world of education to create specific training, improving employability and integration of future graduates“, Rémi Ferrand, public Affairs Officer, Syntec Numérique.
The evening was rounded off with a cocktail reception in ENSAM’s superb historic library.
A big thank you for their creativity, insight and good humor to:
Pascal Bellenger, ENSAM, Frédéric Segonds, ENSAM, Christophe Rocca-Serra, Tallano Technologie, Eric Vial, Ecoceane, Guillaume Bonnefoy, Akka Technologies, Philippe Véron, ENSAM and Tahar Melliti, Industry of the Future Alliance, Rémi Ferrand, Syntec Numérique
And a big bravo to Sylvain Dorschner, who hosted and moderated the evening, for the quality of the debate.
Stay connected and you’ll soon be able to view recordings of our innovators’ amazing stories!
Following the success of this event, we are organizing our next innovation round table on digital simulation solutions in Lyon next June. We will soon be informing you of the schedule and participants.
Interested in this event? Register now here!