The growing presence of PLM on the cloud opens up new opportunities for businesses and enhance agility overall.
In 2017, the International Data Corporation (IDC) revealed a the results of a research study titled : ‘The Next Stage of Digital Transformation in Germany: Cloud PLM Paves the Way to More Product Innovation and Efficiency’.
Further this study, every sixth company in 2016 were bringing Industry 4.0 projects to live phases. Now, it is every second company, which includes stronger connection on shop floors, digital continuity, as well as Industry 4.0 product development.
However, further 90% of interviewees, there is still too much time lost for coordination between departments and process steps. Therefore, there remains high potential for the introduction of Product Lifecycle Management (PLM) platforms.
Download the IDC whitepaper : The Next Stage of Digital Transformation in Germany and find out more more about the five key recommendations:
- Enhance your Industry 4.0 activities
- Improve cooperation along the value-added chain
- Examine the use of PLM from the cloud
- Use the holistic view of your data for analysis and simulation
- Promote a culture of innovation in your enterprise