KEONYS invites you to Dassault Systèmes’ next 3DEXPERIENCE FORUM at Palais Brongniart in Paris on November 21st 2017.
This event offers a fantastic opportunity to meet your industry peers and discuss your challenges and experiences. KEONYS looks forward to introducing one of its clients: the leader in a fast-growing market and user of the 3DEXPERIENCE platform.
The place of people at the core of digital transformation and platforms
Transformation can only be brought about by people and the way in which they engage with it.
Companies will not pursue technology for technology’s sake, but will enable individuals to deploy their abilities by making full use of its potential. They will move from a technology-centric to a people-centric model, placing people at the center of all facets of the company. New opportunities will arise from collaboration between various actors in the Industrial Internet of Things, the Internet of Things and the Internet of Experience, in a coherent environment where platforms will play a crucial role.
This is a vast and fascinating topic that will be the subject of much discussion.
Get inspiration from industry trends, meet Dassault Systèmes’ and KEONYS’ experts and leaders, explore the latest technologies, compare your challenges with those of your peers and find out about solutions that can maximize your organization’s performance.
There is no time to lose !